B2C offers classes and workshops of its philosophies and techniques to anyone interested in beginning or developing a career in Acting, Directing, Movement, Devised Theatre, and Stage Combat to professional artists as well as to anyone interested in getting to know themselves, and the world around them better through the practices of theatre. The training is designed for the beginner, intermediate, or advanced artist.
For more information on what programs are available please e-mail us at info(at)boundtocreate.com
Private Coaching
Here we focus directly on each individual's needs and shape the technique to those needs. Private coaching is available at the studio, as well as on location, on set, or at any other venue agreed upon by the coach and student.
Scene Study Workshop
These classes are aimed at finding the best choices when approaching a script. It gives beginners the necessary skills for breaking down a scene, and playing it. For more advanced actors, it delves deeply into scene analysis, and the actor's emotional, physical and intellectual muscles. This class is very useful in film as well.
Shakespeare Workshop
Learn how to approach Shakespeare's text by studying techniques that have been developed directly from the Globe Theatre in London, England. Learn how to make both prose and verse accessible to the actor and to the audience.
Audition Workshop
So you've got your foot in the door. Now what? The audition becomes a calling card for the actor. The pressure is immense as every audition counts. See what you can do to be remembered, how to use your skills to your advantage, and how to nail the part.